Join Us As We Celebrate
As we welcome our new pastor Rev. Dr. Michael R. Smith Sr., this year we will celebrate 150 years. The celebration will begin with on Friday, July 7th with a Senior Member Salute at the church, on Saturday, July 8th with a Gala Banquet ($40.00 dinner) at the Brownstone Hotel 1707 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC, and on Sunday morning July 9, 2017 with a Memorable 11:00 a.m. Worship Service of Thanksgiving at the church. We invite you to join our Grand Celebratory Weekend. The theme is “A Foundation Built on Faith: Yesterday, Today, and Forevermore”.
The Anniversary Committee extends an invitation for you to be involved in our festivities by purchasing an ad of congratulations or a personal ad honoring or memorializing a loved one. We would like to extend an invitation to you to be a supporter by advertising in the 150th Souvenir Booklet, become a patron ($20.00 per name), purchase an ad, or attend one of the activities. You may advertise your services, purchase an ad of congratulations or a personal ad honoring, memorialize a loved one or express a Praise to God for our 150 years of service to and support of the Raleigh community. You may contact: First Congregational Church 919-832-4707 and Mrs. Alycia M. Hill 919-389-9312.